Integral Forest Management
RTI Canadian Representative
Darius Bucher, RPF has been proud to represent RTI in Canada since 2004 and has worked with the product since 1998. Over that time period much has been gleaned from working with our clients, and our on-going research, to develop more advanced teabag fertilizer products that will enhance the performance of tree seedlings on a wide variety of forest ecosystems.
Integral Forest Management Ltd. understands what it takes to successfully establish a forest ecosystem from the ground up. One of the elements often not considered is seedling nutrition and its importance to help set a seedling off onto a healthy and vigorous trajectory leading to productive long-term performance.
Darius Bucher, R.P.F.
Integral Forest Management Ltd.
82 Hall Rd.
Enderby, BC
V0E 1V3
Email: integralfm@telus.net
Phone: (250) 804-2057
Cell: (250) 318-8861