Silva Pak 26-12-6
Faster Growth on Nitrogen limiting Sites
New plantations on high rainfall sites such as the BC and Pacific Northwest Coast are subject to fast-draining soils with limited available nitrogen, not to mention undesirable vegetative competition. The higher nitrogen component of Silva Paks in a well-balanced formula can produce seedling growth at rates that will keep transplants at or above the competing vegetation, assuring adequate sunlight to maintain continuous development.
Fertilized at Time of Planting
This young Douglas fir plantation is growing at a very impressive rate in spite of the dense competition. Silva-Pak PHP enables seedlings to establish a full crown, an extensive root system, and a thick stem that can very quickly push aside and outcompete the surrounding vegetation.
Available in a Silva Pak PHP 25-10-5
- 2,000 count (9g packet) / case (Canada Only)
Also available in a Silva Pak 26-12-6:
- 500 count (10 g packet) / case (US Only)