Canada Forestry Products
Forest Regeneration, Habitat Restoration,
& Mine Reclamation Products
General Forestry
Silva Pak PHP 25-10-5
Silva-Pak PHP enables seedlings to establish a full crown, an extensive root system, and a thick stem that can very quickly push aside and outcompete the surrounding vegetation.
Silva Worm Blend 19-8-3​
Silva Worm Blend is designed to really stimulate root production on harsh sites that have essentially no organic matter present.
Forest Pak PHP 20-10-8
Forest Pak PHP provides a safe and readily available complete package of plant nutrients but also include the micro-nutrients sulfur, zinc, copper, and boron.
Schirp Pak PHP 26-21-8 Forestry Blend
RTI developed the Schirp Pak to overcome the establishment challenges of “Salal” dominated sites, which tend to be very nutrient-poor.
Hydration Pak PHP 16-8-5 plus Water Storing Polymers
Hydration Paks provide a safe and readily available complete package of plant nutrients required to re-generate roots of nursery cultured seedlings.
Gilbert Smith PHP 18-10-10
Gilbert Smith Paks provide a safe and readily available and complete package of plant nutrients required for superior root and foliar production that will allow a seedling to quickly capture a site.
Continuem PHP18-9-9+6 (S)
The Continuem (continuum) properties refer to the product's ability to provide an extended influence on plants that increase their ability to produce higher levels of Secondary Metabolites.
Chilcotin PHP 17-5-7
The Chilcotin Pak is the newest member of RTI’s reclamation team. Built on the solid foundation of the Bio Pak, it has been designed to really stimulate root production on harsh, dry sites.
Chilcotin Worm Blend 15-4-5
The Chilcoltin Worm Blend is designed for harsh site plantings with soils prone to drought and little to no organic matter available. With the success of our Chilcotin Pak, this product contains earthworm castings to increase the availability of organic matter
Reclamation & Conifer Transplants
15-5-5-6-(S) with Biochar
Developed for use in replanting mining reclamation areas but also can be used for decommissioned logging roads/gravel pits and for areas severely impacted by forest fires.
Chilcotin PHP 17-5-7
The Chilcotin Pak is the newest member of RTI’s reclamation team. Built on the solid foundation of the Bio Pak, it has been designed to really stimulate root production on harsh, dry sites.
Chilcotin Worm Blend 15-4-5
The Chilcoltin Worm Blend is designed for harsh site plantings with soils prone to drought and little to no organic matter available. With the success of our Chilcotin Pak, this product contains earthworm castings to increase the availability of organic matter
Delayed Release 22-7-11 & Minors
RTI’s Delayed Release technology was developed to provide the best source of balanced plant nutrients on reclaimed sites with poor soils, especially during the critical first growing season.
Deciduous Transplants
Alder Pak 5-25-8
Designed to be low in nitrogen, high in phosphorous, and to include both cobalt and molybdenum which increases the activity of the "Frankia" bacteria when present in the soil.
Native Seed Plant Regeneration
Delayed Release 22-7-11 & Minors
RTI’s Delayed Release technology was developed to provide the best source of balanced plant nutrients on reclaimed sites with poor soils, especially during the critical first growing season.